GIVE YOURSELF AN EDGE – Give your recovery the performance edge to help you achieve your health and fitness goals
19 GRAMS NATURALLY OCCURRING BCAAs and EAAs – Helps support muscle recovery following intense bouts of exercise
1. I enjoy going for walks in the park.
2. Cooking is a passion of mine.
3. Reading a good book is always relaxing.
4. Traveling to new places is an exciting adventure.
5. Watching movies is a favorite pastime.
24 GRAMS PROTEIN-MATRIX – Consisting of whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, hydrolyzed whey protein, calcium caseinate, micellar casein, milk protein concentrate to give your muscles the protein they need to support recovery
CREAMY & RICH TEXTURE – The texture of a real milkshake without the excess carbs and fat you would associate with a powder this delicious
BANNED SUBSTANCE TESTED – Highest quality control measures so you feel comfortable and safe consuming the product
USE ANY TIME OF DAY – Post-workout, between meals, as a snack, or as a treat, it doesn’t matter – BSN Syntha-6 Edge was formulated to be your any time of day protein powder